Since I was young I was amazed by the power of the bombs and the war strategies. One day I listened that it was a mother of all bombs, that was the MOAB, this one was launched by a submarine of United States to attack the warriors of Islamic state. And it kills!

After that, "I asked me that it was a powerful bomb than the MOAB once?" And researching into the internet I discovered that finally MOAB is the most powerful bomb that has got a filling TNT. But there are more bombs that didn't have a TNT filling, there are the biologic, the nepal onc, antimatter... But now, the most powerful launched ever was the Tzar Bomb, by the Sovietic Union, this was of 50 megatons (210000000Gj), remembering the MOAB that was of 11 tons of TNT (46Gj) with the calaculator you can find the number of times that the Tzar bomb is more powerful than the MOAB, exacty 5 million times, by the humans its dificult that imagine the destructive power of the that bombs but here is an exemple:

The red circle means the total damage area, superimposed on ParĂs. And the little yellow circle in the next image means the damage of MOAB bomb. Simply amazing seeing the power of the humans, and his own autodestruction capacity.
And why the nuclear briefcase?
The title of my world 3 is about the power that have one person, the person that have the nuclear briefcase, becouse a simply briefcase can start the World War III. And now I will quote a popular sentence that was telled by Albert Einstein (One of the fathers of the nuclear bombs) : I don't know with what tipe of weapons will the World War III start (thinking with the nuclear weapons) but I am sure that the World War IV will fight with sticks and stones. And he had and has reason. Becouse a launch of one weapon of this type means that all the other countrys will respond with all his nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons when it detonates make a electromagnetic blast that destroy all the electronic devices like comouters, lights, phones, even high-voltage network! And here ends all our tecnology.
But what is the nuclear briefcase? It's the one that the generals of USA always carry in all the places that the president goes. And why it's important that briefcase? Becouse inside there are two books, one for the procediment to launch a nuclear missile and another to use the launch codes, even if the president doesn't have comunications, the briefcase has a cell phone too!