Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The german nuclear threat (NAZI)

The lies of World War 2

After the end of the World War II all the allied countries start a publicity campaing to discredit the advancments of the scientists of the SS (Nazi special operations army), specially about the development of medicin, human experiments, biological venoms and atomic bombs.

The "true" history wirited by the winers of the World War says: Yes, we win due to built and develop futuristic weapons that have the power and the resposability to destroy an entire city or country, and without a doubt we have it now, we have it in the passt and just in the time that we need it, even if we haven't got the resources to start a project like that.

Resultat d'imatges de nazi nuclear reactorAs you must know if you readed the last posts, an atomic boomb uses uranium, a rare metal very hard to get in the nature. Like a nuclear weapon uses that metal and they need a lot and an special time we had to process it and "reset" the entire structure of that mineral. This proces of "reset" or enrichement need a lot of process plants, infraestructures, transports, comunications, mines...

Imatge relacionadaAnd now you say that you built the boomb two months before the launches of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I don't belive that. 

The verified acts

As we can see in the context of the finall months of the WW2 America doesn't have the capacity to built the holy grial of the weapons. The real-life acts were that the alies were allowed years before that an special branch of the SS were developing that tipe of arm, they were building a nuclear reactor, producing heavy water in a lot of plants too, kicking lots of years to the Americans in that field of war.

Lucky strike 

Resultat d'imatges de nazi nuclear bomb blastIn some reports that are free in internet, youtube chanels and more there are evidences that the american soldiers capture a german submarine that were moving a cargo of enriched uranium, properity of the Nazi scientists. As soon as they have the uranium they doesn't invest more in their "actually (in war)" production plants that were enormous. And when he has got it they start to use that uranium and plutonium to make boobms that never have the human seen in that time. 

Resultat d'imatges de nazi nuclear bomb blastThe bombs were launched in some american deserts, but they didn't need to launch it becouse they have enought results to qualificate the uranium/pulutoniu and H bombs very dangerous and razing because the geman in that dates already have launched some of it. We have evidences in some north islands that there were poor levels of radiation and the blast of the boomb, the expansion air wave were remebered for villagers near the islands too.

So resuming, the americans copy and stole the studies, production process and basic material resources to develpoe the boomb when the german Reich were dismatled , years before the german launch some of it but they were more allowed to use that power to produce electricity for the nation citizens, even if the alies atach him because they have a limited number of bombs and the alies were in some diferent and far countries, a cause was that the disorder and chaos that taked place in this period inside the german regime too. After that the americans launched the bombs in japanese locations and the world start to worry about.
Resultat d'imatges de albert einstein quotes atomic bomb

The idea of blockchain applied to the society and the democracy.

The social regulation of economy

Recovering the ideas of the bitcoin net and blockchain we can use that concepts to save an control the data of a population, recovering it in the web, simply a place that anyone can find and look at it. A public database.

This concept can eventually upgrade the mecanisms that actually people with personal identification must do manually. So if there will be a digital identification for oll the persons that there where in the same country, the institutions, administrations and all the citizens can search for another persons, look for their social networks. 

Althrough the whole of "personal value" data will be in the net and will be free to analyze, with the laws and rights to protect the personal engaged data; the real life  identity will be protected. But for the public services, the country institutions will be easier to check.

Resultat d'imatges de database bitcoin


More security with personal data.

Easy administration for the corporations and institutions with acces.

Actualized personal information in time, acces to all web sites, banks, shops, jobs...

Optional government polls to satisfy the decisions of the citizens about policy and the future of the global society.


Possible breakout of personal data. (Bigger enterprices for the personal data interest)

More control over the society, due to policy, extrem ideological parties...

Several problems with IA (Artificial Intelligence) to check the data, hacking problems, IA logical and analitical mind that can damage the social knitting...

Resultat d'imatges de hacker


This are the first ideas and possible applications for the blockchain that actually is becoming more popullar into the society with the rising of Bitcoin, data corporations... Now is the beggining of that informatic concepts applied to the cities, to the mass of citizens, autonomous cars...

There are more disvantages than advantages but the time and a lot of science work will bring that tipe of future technologies to our lives.

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Catalan Policy

I know...

I know that the most of you, the readers about my block, don't know that I am catalan, and what's that? A catalan is a civilian the lives in Catalonia, this "country" if we can say country or nation, is a part of Spain, this region had an important paper in the history of that cluster of plurinations that actually is called Spain.

And why I speack about my country, just a simple region about Europe. The Union of civil rights, the old continent by some others, but for me it is my home, the place where there are my family, my friends... All that I have is here. I am not a person that lives near big cities like Barcelona or Girona, but I am aware that it doesn't mean a lot. 

As I say at the begining, Spain is a mix of old and ancient kingdoms that in these times have diferent political and economic objectives, but the time, and the interests of the members of the nobility, had changed it and we can't do nothing. After that unions of the important people of the conuntry to protect their interests, Catalonia became a zone of Spain, that the majority of the population had diferent traditions, some others had another language (Catalan) than the spaniards, and a diferent view of the political actions that in a future will change the style of life of a simple young boy about this one.

Catalonia's situation

Since a lot of centuris ago, the catalans (peasants or normal people that anywhere were the main gear to all empires) about this Spanish Kingdom must resist the abuse of the armed forces that suppres the movements of evolution of this society, like the events of the Segador's War where the spanish military were moved in Catalonia to fight vs the French army, burnning the cereal harvest of the native farmers, using their homes, stealing their resources and thier provisions. 

Another one, very properly in time the Segador's uprising, this events were due to these abuses, with the catalans armed with the field tools had challenged the nobility and the Viceroy of Catalonia (Spanish administrator)...

Now, the proble rises

Despite all that revolutions with the main goal to win for the catalans the right to decide their future like a part of the Spanish Kingdom weren't enough. Until in the last 10 years a new social movement of the catalans rised like the choice of become a great and a free country proving him in many demonstrations to defend the civil rights that were in the Spanish Constitution. The Constituton provid the power to the Spanish Camber to make a simple and easy question to the population or a referendum.

During 10 years of negotiation of the Spanish government and geting only one answer, the negativity and the censoring to speack about the right of democracy that a region can decide his future. After that in 2017, Mr.President Carles Puigdemont in head of the Catalan Parliement bring up a pack of laws and reforms that serve the right of decide to the hands of the population, announcing a referendum where the population had to organized by himself, disobeing the sentence of the Constitutional Tribunal, that excuse 5000 agents of the national state security to unship in Barcelona and start clausuring voting centers. Becouse the Spanish politics say that the right of selfdetermination is not categoritzed in any Constitution or group of laws (despite that there is for some ones).

Imatge relacionada

After the votation and the repression, a few days ago the Catalan Parliement using and providing his decision with 2.1 milion votes to declare the independence unileterallity about 4 milion of voting population.

Resultat d'imatges de judici del proces junqueres

The current political state

After the Parliement declares the independence of Catalonia in 2017 and the president suspend it to start a negotiation table with the Spanish goverment to solve the problem using the opinion arround 2.5 milion people. But the Spanish Camber imediateley declares that the competence of the Catalan Parliement were banned and the elect politicist of the Parliement were persecuted by the Spanish Justice Tribunals, some of this representative members were forced to go exiliated in some countries of Europe, knowing now that were acused to rebelion, sedition, terrorism... Some others are in Spanish Jails and now are declaring in a Tribunal having responsability of a majority of the Catalan population had manifestated in the urns.

Resultat d'imatges de puigdemont europa 
This prisioners of the Spanish State are in jail for aproximately 2 years, waiting for a centence of a judice tribunal that in the bench have more than two milion catalans. The exiliated are showing to Europe the Catalan situation, having conferneces and planning strategies. Now in the next months this politic exiliated and prisioners, will be chosen by the catalan civils to had arribed the voice of Catalonia to the Europe Parliement. Finally I just would say that a political prisioner had won the general elections of Spain in the region of Catalonia, reproving their dignity and their decisions, some catalans (judges) are defending  the prisioners in Spanish Tribunals, and some others are defending the Catalan institutions; but above all we must defend the capacity of the people, the integrity and the democratic deciosion of them (althrough a majority wants to defend the democracy above the Constitutions of suspicious interpretations and ideas of the 19th century). 

The story of stuff

The story of stuff: After a few days talking in class about global issues our teacher show us a video in which, one woman tell us how the...