This protest song it's a kind of song that we can say that involve all matters and problems that humans fought and will fight. That song represents all fights, since the small disagreement until the rights of people and nations.
The songs tells us about what the song transmits and that the content of the song it is more important that the fact to go to school becouse we are persons, with rights like meeting, freedom, kind of decisions, having places to live...
In our times the most popular protest is climate change, but there are a lot more like Chile battle camps, the rights of musslim women, Syrians, Hong Kong repression, and more, like the one that now include all this country.

A lot of persons don't think to much, but, even if they are silly or a plant person I don't understand their way to live or to react in some extrem right prohibition. And this problems really make me remember one sceen of V for Vendetta. Now I tell you why:
In this film, there are a kind of police that can't let the people take a walk after one hour like midnight and the goverment exercices censorship in TV programs, in news, and if they have to kill the population they did it too. Finally a hero that wears a mask, like representing not the person under the mask but the symbol of pacific activism that can take out their homes all the popullation of the country and turn them against the evil government.Finally a right fight win not for people but for the symbol that the fight represent.