After a few days talking in class about global issues our teacher show us a video in which, one woman tell us how the production system works, economy and consumerism, in a world with limited resources. And she says: -A limitless system of production in a world that it's finite.-
And she have all reason because in the bases of this production system that we call "Capitalism" or "Consumerism" or in general terms economy there are plenty of fatal issues that we have to solve or to change in the next early years. And the system works like the following:
1.- In first place we have to get the resources to make with the product that we want to sell to get money. This resources are trees, water, metals, crude, petrol, plastic... all these are get from the planet using diferent ways, but the whole of them, produces waste, pollutes the water, the soil and ends with the ecosystem and the enviroment of the entire planet.
2.- After we destroy our home, our planet where we born and where we die like persons, we use these resources in factroies to make with them clothes, computers, phones, paper, toys... All of the process that be in contact in factories, make more waste and more pollution than the first couple ways to obtain the first resources. Most of all polluting the air of the cities and the countryside of poor countries.
3.- In third place we have to sell in the fastest way all the stock that we have, therefore our product price have to be cheaper than others, using marketing strategies like Black Friday, Monday the first or Sunturday if could exist, any reason is perfect to go and buy, buy, buy for your pets, sons, elders...
4.- Between the third and fourth place the woman says that here the consumers have all the power to stop this buying circle and to clausure the way the companies deal with us and the enviroment too. But if we can't take care of it we start to accumulate massive amounts of thrash and useless objects that can help other neddy persons.
After that line of cut, transform, buy and throw up, all we buy was used for a few months and droped to the rubbish bin. All the phones, computers, and trash were paked and send randomly to some ways in develloping country that we could call them as planetary garbage dumping sites. Or in other places like in big consumer countries burn the trash trowing more CO2 to the atmosphere and toxic gases.
All for a couple colour papers that we made of more cutted trees.