First of all if you think that, you won't be a billonaire only to think it. That question is not to explain the way you can become a billionaire but something similar. In economy the experts say that money calls more money, and the rich and the triumphant people make money using her money.
These two finall sentences can explain the totallity of the economy of George Soros.
Who is George Soros?
George Soros is at day of today in the one hundred more rich people arround the world. That fact due to that George Soros made the most part of his fortune at the 1920-1992. And he make his fortune using money, and applaying a simple skills about analisis, especulation and the more impressive history.

How he become a billonaire?
That is the most important question about my writing, but I can not explain how without when and with what conditions. Due to that i need to expose the circumstances of the time.
Now we are in 1920, just after the First World War, all Europe and part of Asia and a little bit of America are destroyed and the economy of that regions are so unstable due to the cost of assume a world war (ammo, machines, soldiers, army, planes, first submarines...). The price of all currencies are so damaged, because the coin is suported by gold and if you are finishing the biggest war of the history in that time you will spent all you have to protect your nation and your civilians. Simplifying all gold is gone and all coins are so cheap in relation of that base source of economy.
After that we have the event of 1929 Crack, that means a breakdown about the biggest economy of the entire world (U.S.A), all the people of that time since the day to night become ruined.
The British country had a bad economic situation and decided to establish the pricing of the pound using a measure relacionatedd with the Deutsch Mark (ERM).
That events was taking palce while Germany was making a big economic reform to restore the Mark coin and the nation. Before the reform germany had a big inflation.
And now that I had explained the economic and historic conditions I can go to the critial point. George Soros saw that all the currencies associated with the ERM had to pull up his value because if they don't do it, they got out the ERM limits, and that situation makes that Deutsch Mark had to do it too. (Pull up his value).

After that, George Soros had heard that the British pound will fall down in the following months because the coin couldn't keep his value in the ERM measure. And here it is, George Soros buy 7 billion pounds with the suport of a lot of financial investors and then sell it all. Causing a massive fell down of the value of pound, and if it isn't all he started to buy massive quantities of Deutsch Mark. And at that point the Central Bank of Ingland had broken the ERM conditions and deals to accept that crash. After that hard economic proces George Soros in one day made$ overthrowing the British Central Bank.