Just a few years ago, arround the world start a new economic and social current that changed forever the lifes of today, that was the launch of some cryptocurrencies; one and the most important for today was called Bitcoin (bit, the unit of computer information; and coin, of the common money), and after this one, appear a lot of it, like Ethereum, Dash, Bitcoin classic, zcash...
And what's a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin ?
Now we know that if you have some cryptocurrency in your cryptowallet, you can go into a café or a restaurant and you can ask for food or drink and the most incredible think is that you can pay with that money, only with your cell phone or with a simple URL or web link.
But at the beginning of that outbreak anyone know about it. First we can say that a cryptocurrency is a coin that it's used at any place, region or market that accept it to make transactions, that coin is susteined by all his users, that means that his value corresponds at his utility at the society and in the global economy. When more is used a cryptocurrency more is his value.
And why the people say that for example Bitocin is descentralized?
That means that the coin is not emitted by some bank or economic entity that is in one region or country of the world. The coins is administarated by the society, all the treansactions are in databases upload to internet and this are completly transparent.
And if we say that all the transactions are seen by anyone that would consult it, how is protected the anonymity of the users? That is the most brilliant hit of that theme, because the security resides at the way that are this coins made.
Mining Bitcoins:
To emitte one Bitcoin, a crew of users have to set all his computers on and linked in a web (The Bitcoin) or in specific terms "Blockchain", and now, all the computers are working like a massive machine that solves a high quantity of mathematical problems (like a stack of simple operations), that is becouse that problems are solved to encriptate the transactions that we had talked in security part.
And if your computer, or specialitzated work group, solve a "block" of operations now you emitted a Bitcoin (50 units) , a part of it will be yours becouse you had been worked in it.
And here is it, the blockchain is not a huge and complicated question to talk about, its simply a couple of computers solving problems that creates units of coins while you are protecting the privacity of the users of that web of cryptocoins.

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